What We Offer

Warranty approved and insured!


Synthetic Oil Change + Premium Filter


-High Quality Canadian Oil

-Fluid Top Up

-Visual Inspection

-Also Available for Diesel and European Vehicles

-Now offering Amsoil




Differential Fluid Change



-Should be changed every 48,000 to 96,000 km. 

- Change the fluid if you hear whining, grinding, or howling noises, or feel unusual vibrations. 




Seasonal Tire Changeover



-Hub Cleaning

-Air Pressure Check

-Wheels Torque 

-Visual Brake Inspection 



More Ways We Can Help



-Spark Plugs


-Air Filters

-Light Bulbs

-Headlight Polishing

-Ceramic Coating (not on-site)


*Please reach out for any clarifications or questions.

Our Loyalty Program

Save $25 on every 4th oil change!

Please contact us and get your quote today!